
Over the past decade, this formidably focused Kenyan has established herself as creative entrepreneur whose work in music, fashion, television, radio and wine speaks for itself. Through all these, she shares an enviable commitment to excellence and to fostering relationships and projects that advance the African creative industries globally.
Whether it’s writing, recording and performing her original music, designing for her eponymous fashion label, hosting and producing Fashion Lab Africa TV and radio, or starting new creative initiatives like #LSHW, Lipstick Skirts Heels & Wine—which has opened up an avenue for her to introduce her new wine brand, ‘Liz Ogumbo’, into the market—, Liz is unquestionably the new face of modern Africa. She is as much rooted in the continent she loves as the global community that is fast embracing her irresistible vision.
Explore Liz Ogumbo Services across a bouquet that traverses through the creative industries including song-writing, fashion design solutions, wine-tasting experiences, TV and Radio production and more.